Whats Thatmeeting Called When You Go and Check on Your Baby

All parents are offered a thorough physical examination for their baby within 72 hours of giving birth.

The test includes screening tests to find out if your baby has any bug with their optics, heart, hips and, in boys, testicles (testes).

Of import: Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

Newborn screening appointments and vaccinations are continuing as normal, including the:

  • newborn blood spot test
  • newborn hearing screening exam
  • newborn physical test

It'southward important to become to your appointments unless you or your baby have symptoms of COVID-19.

What is the newborn physical examination?

The newborn concrete examination is usually carried out in hospital before you go home.

Sometimes information technology's done at a hospital or customs clinic, GP surgery, children'southward heart or at habitation. Ideally, both parents should be at that place when the exam is washed.

The healthcare professional doing the examination should explain what information technology involves. This could exist a doctor, midwife, nurse or health visitor who's been trained to do the test.

Some parts of the examination may exist a bit uncomfortable for your baby, but it will not cause them any hurting.

The aim is to spot any bug early and so treatment can be started as before long as possible. Commonly, nothing of concern is found.

If the healthcare professional doing the examination does detect a possible problem, they may refer your baby for more tests.

Yous'll be offered another physical examination for your babe at six to viii weeks, as some of the weather condition it screens for tin can take a while to develop.

This 2nd examination is usually washed at your GP surgery.

Close-up of a person's hand holding a stethoscope to a newborn baby's chest.
During the newborn physical test a stethoscope is used to listen to your infant'due south heart.

How is the newborn physical exam done?

The healthcare professional will give your baby a thorough physical exam.

They'll as well ask you lot questions nigh how your baby is feeding, how alarm they are, and near their general wellbeing.

Your baby will demand to be undressed for function of the examination.

During the examination, the healthcare professional will also:

  • look into your infant's eyes with a special torch to bank check how their optics look and move
  • listen to your infant'southward center to cheque their heart sounds
  • examine their hips to cheque the joints
  • examine baby boys to see if their testicles accept descended into the scrotum

What does the newborn physical examination bank check for?

The examination includes an overall physical check, plus iv unlike screening tests.


The wellness professional person will check the appearance and movement of your baby'due south eyes.

They're looking for cataracts, which is a clouding of the transparent lens within the eye, and other conditions.

About 2 or 3 in 10,000 babies are born with cataracts in one or both eyes that need handling.

But the examination cannot tell you how well your baby can encounter.

Find out more than most babyhood cataracts


The healthcare professional will cheque your babe's center. This is done by observing your babe, feeling your baby'due south pulses, and listening to their heart with a stethoscope.

Sometimes heart murmurs are picked upward. A heart murmur is where the heartbeat has an extra or unusual sound caused past a disturbed blood flow through the heart.

Centre murmurs are mutual in babies. The heart is normal in almost all cases where a murmur is heard.

Only virtually 8 in 1,000 babies accept congenital heart disease that needs treatment.

Notice out more virtually congenital heart illness


Some newborns have hip joints that are not formed properly. This is known as developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).

Left untreated, DDH can cause a limp or joint problems.

About one or 2 in 1,000 babies take hip problems that need to be treated.

Detect out more about developmental dysplasia of the hip


Baby boys are checked to brand certain their testicles are in the right place.

During pregnancy, the testicles grade within the infant'due south body. They may not driblet down into the scrotum until a few months after nascence.

Effectually two to half-dozen in 100 baby boys have testicles that descend partially or not at all.

This needs to be treated to prevent possible problems later in life, such every bit reduced fertility.

Find out more than about undescended testicles

Does my baby have to accept the exam?

The aim of the examination is to identify whatever of the issues early then handling tin can be started as soon every bit possible.

It'southward strongly recommended for your baby, merely not compulsory.

You can decide to have your baby examined and screened for whatever or all of the conditions.

If y'all have any concerns, y'all should talk to your midwife or the healthcare professional person offer the examination.

When volition nosotros become the results?

The healthcare professional who does the examination will give yous the results straight away.

If your babe needs to be referred for more tests, they'll discuss this with you there and and so, too.

The results volition exist recorded in your infant'due south personal child health record (ruddy book).

You'll need to keep this safe and accept it to paw whenever your baby sees a healthcare professional.

If you have any concerns, you lot can talk over them with your midwife or the healthcare professional person who does the examination.

Download a leaflet nearly screening tests for you and your babe from GOV.U.k.


Source: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/newborn-screening/physical-examination/

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