what kind of paint to use on mailbox ooutdoors

It's Monday 04/04/22 & your Q or A is Welcomed!
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Decorative painting of a metal mailbox

Current question:

March 12, 2022

Q. Nosotros recently purchased a new white mailbox from a box store and had our son hand painted. This was done at a pottery kiln so our son has indicated that the paint is very durable.

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With that being said, it will be a working mailbox. We alive in the northeast where the weather can be very challenging. My question is, do we need to utilize a coat of clear lacquer before we install it outside. If so what brand would you recommend. As well will the lacquer peel, and does it need to exist reapplied on an almanac ground. Thank you very much for your advice.

Andrew Downing
Homeowner - Wilton Connecticut

March 2022

A. Hullo Andrew. Sorry, we can't post recommendations of brands for a number of reasons ( huh? why?). But Everbrite [a finishing.com supporting advertiser] makes a one-component clearcoat for things like this which in my experience does not peel or need to exist periodically stripped, but tin can have a 2nd layer applied when needed :-)

Luck & Regards,

pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.E. RET
Striving to alive Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Closely related historical postings, oldest first:


Q. I am going to be painting on a metal mailbox. I demand to know how to prep information technology and what type of paints are best to utilise. I also would like to know what to put on after I am washed to prevent whatever peeling. I've never painted on metal before and take the simplest of resource. Help.

Amy Gerardi
hobbyist - Greenfield Center, New York, U.s.


A. It's not a complicated thing, Amy. Go to the hardware store or paint shop and await for the aisle of Rustoleum, or Krylon, or other consumer-oriented project paints. Discover one that says information technology okay for metal (or has a motion-picture show of it practical to metal), in either a spray can or a small tin for brush-on (your preference). The instructions on the dorsum volition tell you to scrape or sand loose paint and rust, and to wash and rinse. But follow the instructions on the can.

I don't remember y'all want to put anything on pinnacle of the paint, because peeling is not caused by a shrink-wrap effect breaking, it's acquired by poor adhesion of the pigment to the mailbox. If you go good adhesion it won't pare. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney , P.Due east.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey


Q. We have a mailbox with enamel paint (brand new) and desire to repaint information technology. What is your recommendation for type of paint? I have seen suggestions for acrylic and latex. Does it have to be sandpapered offset if there is no flaky paint?

Give thanks you

Stephanie Sears
- Dalton, Massachusetts

February 5, 2009

A. I'd similar to mention that I just did a niggling projection to bandbox upward the ol' mailbox. I just a combination of Krylon, Osh's brand, and some cheap Walmart stuff. If your going to employ any of these spray paints I'd suggest getting a sanding block from 3M. Ordinarily whatsoever ultra fine grit will practice. I have a 320 dust and a 400 grit. Really if your only going to spray 1 color then yous just want to knock down the "shine" or the gloss on the postal service box. If you lot take cracking pigment considering of abuse and weather condition whipped and then I'd rather go downward to blank metal and spray a prissy primer spray then scuff with said block and then the final coat. I just took the masking tape off of my box and I am going to level everything tomorrow afternoon with a m-grit then 1500-grit sandpaper. Hope some of what I just wrote is of some aid to someone :) Cheers!

Simon Hernandez
- Hesperia, California, USA

November 29, 2016

Q. I wonder how many people accept used "Ane Shot" on metal mailboxes? I did two like that, and the paint was really durable -- but they're oil based, with turpentine cleanup. I'k looking for ideas for a waterbase durable culling. Whatever suggestions?

Jeni Erickson
- Huntington Beach California


November 2016

A. Hi Jeni. I now see a bit of confusion here. When people asked near painting a mailbox, I and others assumed they meant to put a coat of paint on it -- black, white, or whatever color they wanted ...

But the "1 Shot" that y'all are talking about is "sign paint"; information technology'due south intended for lettering, multiple distinctive colors on the same piece with freedom from brush marks, etc. The blog illustrated hither suggests that regular latex house paint is not as adept as "One Shot", but can exist used for sign painting. Good luck.


pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pino Beach, New Jersey

October 26, 2018

Q. I've seen a lot here about repainting an old mailbox in solid colors. Only I'thou a cartoonist and I've been asked to paint characters onto a brand-new blackness galvanized steel mailbox. I've done walls, cinder block and wood, but never galvanized steel. Any suggestions for how to gear up a BRAND NEW metal mailbox, and what paints to apply? Should I still wipe the box down with vinegar? And will acrylics adhere?

Jenny Campbell
- Chagrin Falls, Ohio


October 2018

A. How-do-you-do Jenny. When you say it'southward "black", I'one thousand non sure whether you are saying that it'southward already painted black or that the galvanizing is a rather nighttime color. If it's already painted yous don't need to worry about the underlying galvanizing; the people who painted it black already did that.

But if it's bare galvanizing, it won't hurt to launder it down with diluted vinegar, but y'all must apply a primer designed for galvanizing. Galvanized surfaces turn alkyd paints to soap and they peel correct off.


pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

October 26, 2018

Q. Here'southward a photo of the new (black) mailbox I've been asked to paint!


Wondering if this has already been painted, or if I all the same need to exercise something to information technology to paint cartoons on information technology. And, what blazon of paint should I use? I usually work with acrylics. Volition acrylics piece of work on this? Thanks, Ted!

Jenny Campbell - Chagrin Falls, Ohio [returning]


November 2018

A. Hi Jenny, sorry for the delay. That mailbox may or may not exist galvanized before it was painted or pulverization coated, but that won't touch you lot because your paint needs to attach to that pigment/powder; information technology won't contact the galvanizing itself.

Information technology's a truism that in our modern age where people are constantly trying to make cheaper finishes look like more expensive finishes, it is difficult to know what a stop actually is even past looking at it in person, allow solitary looking at a picture. But I think this is a wrinkle terminate pulverization blanket and is probably polyester because that is what is by and large used for outdoor exposure. If so, I think your acrylics volition be fine (although I don't know how lightfast they are for outdoor use, but you lot probably practice).

What would concern me is that if this mailbox is actually a thick heavy thermoplastic coating like PVC or Teflon, other paints might non adhere ... but I don't think it is because that probably wouldn't piece of work well on something with a hinged expanse like that mailbox.

The post-obit is based on guesses, extrapolation, and volume cognition, non applied experience, just I think very lightly rubbing it with flour pumice is the best style to remove whatsoever clay, oils, or whatever. But pumice will probably slightly reduce the shine, so do the whole mailbox for consistency or only do it under your graphic. Apply warm water and a little dish detergent to wet the pumice; don't utilise oil. Or only paint it as-is and hope for the best.


pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Embankment, New Jersey

November fifteen, 2018

thumbs up sign Thanks, Ted, for your expertise! I may just go ahead and give information technology a endeavour as is and, equally y'all say, hope for the all-time! My customer's very reasonable, and then I'll tell her if it chips off, I'll come get information technology and endeavour something else!
Thanks once more!!!

Jenny Campbell - Chagrin Falls, Ohio [returning]


May 13, 2019

Q. I live in a gated community with very nice (cast iron?) mailboxes that demand new paint. I take earlier and later on pictures of a couple of mailboxes.

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In order to get the glossy wait, what prep and what type of paint would you lot suggest for Georgia?

Tom Schulte
- Gainesville, Georgia

May 16, 2019

A. You should do a good prep job on the onetime paint. Requite it a good scrub with a stiff brush, and use sandpaper to smooth if necessary.

Afterward that, any gloss black advertised for outdoor use will work. Rust Oleum is a popular brand, but there are others. Inquire where you purchase your pigment.

jeffrey holmes
Jeffrey Holmes, CEF
Spartanburg, Southward Carolina

Oct viii, 2019

Q. I have an former postal drove box that has been out in the conditions for some fourth dimension. I would like to pigment it red and employ it in our customs as a drove box for children's letters to Santa. Could you please offering tips on the refinishing process? Can I use an electric sander to remove rust? And exercise I need to put some blazon of primer on earlier painting it red? Finally, what type of paint should be used? Once it has been refinished, information technology will not be kept in the weather. Many thank you for whatsoever suggestions you may have!

Barron Hite
- Sumter, South Carolina United states

Oct 2019

A. Hi Barron. You tin utilise an electric sander simply it's a lot of work. Removal of loose rust with a wire brush, followed past naval jelly (rust converter), then your red paint should be more than than adequate for out of the atmospheric condition apply. Merry Christmas.


pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.East. RET
Striving to alive Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Embankment, New Jersey

January seven, 2020

thumbs up sign  Thanks for your assistance! I am painting a fine art picture of birds on a brand new black (painted) metallic mailbox . The artwork how to is fix u for painting on masonite then I didn't know what to do. Considering I live in NH, I volition try acrylic with a sprau on finish. I will let you know how it works out after a winter in the weather.

Joey pearson
- Manchester, New Hampshire

Baronial 6, 2021

Q. Howdy! Thought it was time to add together a 2021 question to this thread! Received a vintage postbox from my sister today with a request to paint it blackness with white accents.


Not sure how to begin or what type of paint to utilize. I can see using Krylon might be the way to go, only how to paint the raised designs might exist catchy. Your suggestions would exist then appreciated! Box will be outdoors, but under comprehend. Thanks!

MJ Schmidt
Painter - LAKEWOOD [NY]

Baronial 2021

A. Hello Judy. Yep, black outdoor spray paint for metal is probably the right base. My guess is that the white paint was originally mill done with a whorl-coater adapted such that the roll did non touch the flat metal sail but was raised a small fraction of an inch and then it but touched the raised areas.

Perhaps you could temporarily make "runway" made of multiple layers of masking tape or something similar, then run a small-scale foam or short nap roller for the white paint along those rails to maintain that tiny gap then the roller can't touch the apartment area. Let u.s.a. know what y'all do and how information technology works out.

Luck & Regards,

pic of Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney , P.Due east. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pino Beach, New Jersey


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Source: https://www.finishing.com/304/42.shtml

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