in what way is walton similar to victor frankenstein

Discussion Questions for FrankensteinWritten past Hailey Toporcer, Hiram College Class of 2019Edited past Prof. Kirsten ParkinsonAs you read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, either on your own or with a group, we invite you touse these questions to add together layers to your discussion or thinking well-nigh the novel. The kickoff sectionincludes questions for each chapter of the novel; y'all will notice questions reflecting on the book asa whole at the cease. We have not included specific pages numbers every bit various editions havedifferent folio numbers, but the quotations are based on the 1831 edition of the novel.Discussion Questions for Each ChapterLetters I through IV1. Frankenstein begins and ends with messages written past Robert Walton. Why do y'all thinkthat Mary Shelley chose to have him frame the novel? How would your opinions ofVictor Frankenstein and his cosmos differ if their story was told direct by VictorFrankenstein himself? What if the story was told solely by the creation?two. Walton yearns for a friend, much like Victor Frankenstein's animal does. What does thistell you lot about man nature? Is information technology in our nature to want companionship, someone toconfide in, and someone to care for?iii. In Letter IV, Walton writes, "Yesterday the stranger said to me, "You may easilyperceive, Captain Walton, that I accept suffered great and unparalleled misfortunes. I haddetermined at ane time that the retention of these evils should die with me, but you havewon me to alter my conclusion. You lot seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did;and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may non be a ophidian to sting you,every bit mine has been. I do non know that the relation of my disasters will be useful to you;yet, when I reflect that you lot are pursuing the aforementioned form, exposing yourself to the samedangers which take rendered me what I am, I imagine that you may deduce an apt moralfrom my tale, one that may direct you if yous succeed in your undertaking and consoleyou in case of failure. Prepare to hear of occurrences which are commonly deemedmarvelous."A. In the excerpt to a higher place, Victor is foreshadowing the creation of his monster and howit went quickly awry. Are there any other instances of foreshadowing in theseletters?B. In the excerpt above, the themes of knowledge and wisdom are introduced. Often,knowledge and wisdom are seen equally interchangeable, or as going hand-in-hand, butare they necessarily the same. Pay attention to how noesis and wisdom areportrayed in the book.iv. Walton and Frankenstein are both men of science but in vastly different fields. What doeshaving two primary characters in this field tell you near 1800s Europe? What does it tellyou about the gender roles of this time?Chapter One1. This chapter introduces the women of Victor'southward life: his mother, Caroline, and his adoptedfamily/betrothed, Elizabeth Lavenza. How is their family dynamic representative of otherfamilies in the 1800s?two. Victor describes the first appearance of Elizabeth: "Her hair was the brightest living gold,and despite the poverty of her clothing, seemed to fix a crown of stardom on her head.Her brow was clear and ample, her blue eyes cloudless, and her lips and the moulding ofher face up so expressive of sensibility and sweetness that none could behold her withoutlooking on her every bit of a singled-out species, a being heaven-sent, and bearing a angelic stampin all her features."A. Elizabeth is described every bit beingness heavenly, almost celestial as a child. We know thatshe is destined to be married to Victor, whom we also know to be quite troubledfrom Walton'southward messages. Considering of this dissimilarity, do you recall their relationship willflourish or falter?B. In what means might Elizabeth human action as a foil to Victor?C. How does the representation of Elizabeth, compared to those with whom sheinitially lives, reveal course bias of the time period?Affiliate Two1. Victor describes how even as a child, "Information technology was the secrets of heaven and earth that Idesired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit ofnature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, yet my inquiries were directedto the metaphysical, or in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world." Even as aboy, Victor has been hungry for knowledge. He doesn't desire to larn only anything,however. He wants to figure out the "secrets of sky." How does this paragraphforeshadow him creating his creature in his machismo? Is this contextual proof that he isdestined to create this monster like he insists he is? If he claims that he is destined to dothis, then does this negate some of the blame he may experience? Pay attention to Frankenstein'srepeated discussions of fate in the novel.2. How does Victor's idolization of Agrippa, Magnus, and Paracelsus in his childhoodinspire him to go into science, even when he learns they are "sad trash"? If he had studiedthen-modern scientists, would he have ever thought of the thought to create life fromnothing? As much as modern science was involved in the cosmos of the monster, waswhimsy and a flake of alchemistic idealism to blame, likewise?Chapter Three1. Victor'due south mother dies in this affiliate of scarlet fever after nursing Elizabeth. Victordescribes her decease as calm just also as "that virtually irreparable evil." How might the deathof Victor'south mother in this chapter influence the choices he makes about his studies andlater pursuits?two. How does Victor initially choose the teachers that he will written report nether at Ingolstadt? Whatdo his criteria for choosing mentors propose about his character?Chapter Four1. Victor describes the processes he goes through to acquire how to create life: "To examinethe causes of life, we must commencement have recourse to death. I became acquainted with thescience of anatomy, but this was non sufficient; I must also observe the natural decay andcorruption of the human body."A. Afterward Victor dedicates himself to the studies of life, death, and natural philosophy,he neglects his health and family. Isn't it ironic that he is studying life and death,but doesn't realize the costs to his own wellness? Why, if he is studying this subject,can't he tell that he is fading away as he is trying to breathing a lifeless form? Theimportance of mental health was not well-known in the 1800s. How might mentalhealth play a part in his deterioration?B. What does Victor'south obsession suggest about the need to create a work-lifebalance, even in the 1800s?2. In imagining the cosmos of a new race of beings, Victor imagines that "No father couldclaim the gratitude of his kid so completely as I should deserve theirs. Pursuing thesereflections, I thought that if I could bestow blitheness upon lifeless affair, I might inprocess of time (although I now plant information technology impossible) renew life where decease hadapparently devoted the trunk to corruption." Psychoanalytic theory in literary studies isthe assay of a character's psyche in relation to their thoughts and actions. Using thistheory, what can y'all tell about the motivations backside Victor'south experimentation andfanaticism? How might his childhood take influenced his choices?Chapter Five1. Why did Victor try to create a beautiful brute? Why was he upset when the monsterended up existence grotesque when brought to life? What might this unexpected resultsymbolize?2. What practice yous call back of Victor Frankenstein'southward decision to run from his creation?Chapter Six1. We see some other letter of the alphabet in this chapter, this time written by Elizabeth. What practice letters do tothe tone and vocalization of the story? How do they add to character and story development?Would you rather have heard Victor or Walton explain this chapter, or do you preferElizabeth's letter of the alphabet?2. This chapter introduces Justine Moritz to readers. What office does she play in the storythus far? What are your predictions regarding her development and fate?Affiliate Seven1. Subsequently Victor Frankenstein read his father'southward alphabetic character detailing immature William's murder, hestates, "…I felt nevertheless more gloomily. The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil,and I foresaw obscurely that I was destined to become the most wretched of humanbeings. Alas! I prophesied truly, and failed merely in 1 single circumstance, that in all themisery I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive the hundredth part of the anguish I wasdestined to suffer." What does this quote reveal nearly Victor's personality and mindset?2. When Justine is defendant of William's murder, Victor's father says, "dry out your tears. If sheis, as y'all believe, innocent, rely on the justice of our laws, and the action with which Ishall forbid the slightest shadow of partiality."' When you were making conjectures ofJustine's function and fate in Frankenstein, did you acquaintance her name with "justice"? Doyou believe she is guilty? Why or why not?Affiliate Eight1. Justine is extremely religious, even after all that has happened to her. Although she isinnocent, she still confesses to the murder of William then that she volition be forgiven for hersins and allowed into Sky. How is Justine handling her misfortunes differently thanVictor? How exercise these two approaches to difficulty affect how nosotros respond to theircharacters and situations?two. Why doesn't Victor Frankenstein speak up and tell all he knows to effort to save Justine? Ishe right not to tell the story of his creation at this point? Why or why not?iii. Could Victor's paranoia and guilt exist erased if he were to confess like Justine did? Wedon't know how religious he is, but he draws on religious terminology and references.What is the role of confession? How is his telling the story to Walton (and thus to us) aform of confession?iv. At the end of Affiliate eight, Frankenstein blames himself as he watches his family unit mourn thedeaths of William and Justine:"… torn by remorse, horror, and despair, I beheld those Iloved spend vain sorrow upon the graves of William and Justine, the start hapless victimsto my unhallowed arts."A. Frankenstein's creation has taken 2 lives thus far. What are your thoughts of thecreature? What would it take to modify your view of it?B. This quote foreshadows more deaths as a event of Victor's cosmos past suggestingthat William and Justine are only the "first… victims." What other charactersmight die in Frankenstein to both further the plot and create tension betweenVictor and his creation?Chapter Nine1. Images of nature equally a peaceful retreat is mutual in Romantic era writing and artwork.How might Shelley have been inspired by this idea when she wrote this chapter ofFrankenstein? How is the landscape used, much like a character would be, in relation toVictor?2. The Byronic hero is a popular archetype that developed in the Romantic menses: abrooding anti-hero who is often resistant to authority figures, dangerously rebellious, andoften aloof from others. In what ways does Victor Frankenstein seem to fit this literarycharacter type? Are there other characters in Frankenstein who also correspond to thisarchetype?Chapter Ten1. Were you surprised to find that the animal tin can talk—and quite eloquently? Howdoes this original version of the monster depart from the many pop culturerepresentations that have been created since Mary Shelley's novel?ii. In reaching out to Victor Frankenstein, the creature alludes to Milton'south epic ParadiseLost: "Remember that I am thy animal; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather thefallen angel, whom chiliad drivest from joy for no misdeed." What are the similaritiesbetween Adam and Frankenstein's cosmos? What are the differences? What does it tellyou about the fauna'south personality that he holds himself to human and even Christianstandards?iii. The creature pleads for sympathy from Frankenstein and claims that he was initiallygood: "How can I move thee? Will no entreaties crusade thee to turn a favourable eye uponthy creature, who implores thy goodness and compassion? Believe me, Frankenstein, Iwas benevolent; my soul glowed with honey and humanity; simply am I non alone, miserablyalone? Y'all, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your swain creatures,who owe me nothing? They spurn and hate me." What do yous think of the creature'sclaims? Are your perceptions changing as you go more and more of the animate being's pointof view?four. Nature vs. Nurture is an important theme throughout Frankenstein. We brainstorm to see information technology inthis chapter when the creature speaks to Victor. When the creature says, "…I wasbenevolent; my soul glowed with dearest and humanity…," nosotros are alerted to a alter in hischaracter. He was something before and now he is different— no longer benevolent. Howdoes this change reflect nature vs. nurture? What other characters demonstrate thisconcept thus far?5. What does Victor Frankenstein owe his beast as its maker?Affiliate Eleven1. In this chapter, the creature recounts its start memories to Victor. Truly lonely and spurnedby society, it watches a family from afar in order to learn how to alive. Watching them, itlearns near life, family, and loneliness. How does the watching bear upon the fauna'sfeelings about Victor and human being guild? How does it impact the creature'due south own sense ofitself as an outsider?2. Only in this starting time affiliate of the creature's narration, we can tell that it is an eloquentandintelligent being. The way that it speaks and its tone are similar to Victor Frankenstein'south.Why is this? Why is the point of view important? In what means are the animal andVictor really more similar than either would desire to admit?Chapter Twelve1. Frankenstein's beast describes the misery of the DeLacey family unit: "They were notentirely happy. The young man and his companion ofttimes went apart and appeared toweep. I saw no crusade for their unhappiness, but I was deeply affected by it." Empathy isthe ability to understand the feelings of others from their betoken of view, not yours. Thistrait is ofttimes missing in people classified as sociopaths. Is Frankenstein'due south creaturereally a monster if it exhibits empathy? Does having empathy humanize it in some ways?2. Frankenstein's creature sees linguistic communication as a "godlike science": "I perceived that the wordsthey spoke sometimes produced pleasure or pain, smiles or sadness, in the minds andcountenances of the hearers. This was indeed a godlike scientific discipline, and I ardently desired tobecome acquainted with it." Why might the brute view language in this way? How doyou recollect Frankenstein would view language? Based on his interactions with Clerval andothers, do y'all retrieve Frankenstein considers language a science?three. Othering describes when someone is considered different— and often lesser— thanyourself and those similar you. Frankenstein'due south fauna was othered by society, thus forcinghim to go into hiding. How might its goal of learning the family'due south language be connectedto its status as Other? Can language have the power to change someone's condition fromOther to accustomed? Does language have that kind of "godlike" power?Affiliate Thirteen1. This chapter introduces another outsider, Safie the Arabian. Like the animal, she is alsoOthered. How is her status as Other different than its status? Why is at that place a differencebetween the 2? What makes her more acceptable than information technology?2. Like Victor Frankenstein, his cosmos seeks knowledge, but "sorrow just increased withknowledge. Oh, that I had for ever remained in my native wood, nor known nor feltbeyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat!" Why doesn't knowledge bring thecreature happiness? How are Victor and his creation similar in this way? What is thenovel suggesting about knowledge?Chapter Fourteen1. In this chapter, we discover the history of the De Laceys, Felix, and Safie. Why doesShelley requite the states a chapter long summary of them? What should we garner from their storywithin a story? What would Frankenstein lose if this affiliate were cut?2. Frankenstein'due south animate being learns of social hierarchy in this chapter. How do you call back thiswill bear on it? What do you lot think volition happen when information technology finds out its place in society? Beinga highly intelligent, massive, humanoid creature, where do yous remember it fits in thehierarchy?Chapter Fifteen1. The education of the animate being comes from observing the cottagers. It is watching andlearning instead of experiencing. How could this be unsafe? What elements could itbe missing or misinterpreting since information technology is non really experiencing what it is learning,particularly regarding the topics of mankind and humanity?2. The creature learns a significant amount from Milton's Paradise Lost: "Like Adam, I wasapparently united by no link to whatsoever other being in existence; but his state was far differentfrom mine in every other respect. He had come up along from the hands of God a perfectcreature… Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition, for oft,like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose withinme." Why is it dangerous that the creature read Paradise Lost equally a truthful history? What if ithad read other religious texts? What about strictly fictional works? What works wouldyou have recommended to the fauna for its education?3. The animal is incredibly smart. However, everything is black or white; zilch is grayto it. It only understands the extremes of situations and hasn't grasped the idea of being inthe median. Why is it dangerous for the creature to think like this? How might thismindset split information technology from society even more than?4. The creature introduces itself to the blind De Lacey and was somewhen beaten by Felixupon his return. At outset, the interaction was successful. The creature talked with DeLacey but did non get to say anything to Felix, who striking it repeatedly with a stick uponseeing it in the firm. What do you think the repercussions of this day will exist? How doyou think this interaction will taint the beast's view of humanity going forward?Affiliate Sixteen1. The brute considers hurting the DeLaceys after his rejection: "I could with pleasurehave destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants and accept glutted myself with their shrieksand misery." He acknowledges that he could cause people serious harm simply doesn't untilhe murders William. Why did the creature wait so long to kill if information technology had the ability and agrowing inclination to do so?2. This chapter ends in a cliff hanger: The monster alludes to a similar creature that hewants Frankenstein to make for him. Without looking ahead, how do you thinkFrankenstein will react? What would you lot say if you were Frankenstein?Chapter Seventeen1. Frankenstein feels for his monster just cannot empathise with him: "His words had astrange effect upon me. I compassionated him and sometimes felt a wish to console him,merely when I looked upon him, when I saw the filthy mass that moved and talked, my heartsickened and my feelings were altered to those of horror and hatred." What does it tellyou well-nigh Frankenstein'due south grapheme that he cannot sympathize, just that his brute can?Why, after marveling that the creature tin reason with him, tin can't Frankenstein stopOthering his animate being?2. The creature demands a female companion in return for his leaving Europe. Why do youthink the creature demanded a female and not a male person companion? The simply romanticexamples he has seen are of Felix and Safie, and even and then, their interactions werelimited. The monster has merely requested a companion, not a romantic human relationship. Wasthis a representation of the heteronormative country of the 1800s?Chapter Eighteen1. Frankenstein describes Henry Clerval equally "live to every new scene, joyful when he sawthe beauties of the setting sun, and more than happy when he beheld it rising and recommence anew twenty-four hour period." Henry Clerval and Victor Frankenstein are consummate opposites. He is notscientifically inclined. He'southward naturally blithesome. What does Clerval add together to the story? What ishis purpose?Chapter Nineteen1. Isolation is a common theme in Frankenstein. The fauna is isolated considering of itsappearance. Victor is isolated because of his knowledge. How is this theme beingfurthered in this affiliate? What are some other examples of isolation in the novel?two. How does the representation of science in this chapter fit with your expectations? Is alonely and undeveloped island a place where you would expect Victor or another scientistto be able to attain a scientific goal? What does Victor's option of identify say abouthis goal and how he feels about it?Chapter Twenty1. Frankenstein destroys his second cosmos out of fear of her capabilities in this chapter.He feared that she would procreate, that she would exist even more malevolent than hermate, and that she would non want to exit Europe. What do yous remember of his recognitionof this second beast as a being with her ain thoughts and feelings? How doesFrankenstein'due south feeling fit with the time period of the novel?2. Was Frankenstein's devastation of the second creature justified? Why or why not?three. The creature is furious when Frankenstein destroys his companion. Was the creature'sreaction justified? Why or why non? Did he have a right to deny the creature's asking ifyou feel that information technology is human nature to want a companion? Was this Frankenstein playing Godonce once again?4. The creature says to Frankenstein: "Slave, I earlier reasoned with yous, but you haveproved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Call back that I have power; youbelieve yourself miserable, but I tin can make you lot so wretched that the calorie-free of solar day will behateful to you lot. You are my creator, merely I am your master; obey!" The roles ofFrankenstein and his creation are reversed: the creature has get the main, and thecreator has become the slave. With the brute'southward newfound say-so, how will thedynamics of the ii modify? What does it mean for the bulk (Frankenstein andhumans) to be afraid of the minority (the fauna)?Affiliate Twenty One1. Throughout Frankenstein, Victor addresses Walton with rhetorical questions: "Why did Inot dice?" He does this several times when describing his emotions when he sees Clervaldead in a catafalque. How does this affect your reading? Does it impact your reaction toFrankenstein and his experiences? Does it remind you lot that it is a retelling? Does itinterrupt your reading? Does it enrich your understanding of the text? Does it add together anotherelement to the story?2. In a fever after the death of Clerval, Frankenstein imagines the creature attacking him:"Towards morn I was possessed by a kind of nightmare; I felt the fiend's grasp in myneck and could non free myself from it; groans and cries rang in my ears." Besides themonster actually killing Victor, what could this foreshadow or symbolize?Chapter Twenty Two1. What role does Elizabeth play in the story? How does she further the plot? She is oftenreferred to as a "passive woman" by scholars and critics because she waits for Victor theentire novel. How do you lot translate this phrase? What examples from the text tin can you findto support this phrase?two. Given the animal'southward threat to "be with you on your wedding nighttime," why does Victor getmarried anyway? In what ways does he seem resigned to his fate at this point?Chapter Xx Three1. Did you predict that Elizabeth would actually be the victim on the wedding dark? Whywas Victor so sure that it would be him? What clues earlier in the novel hinted atElizabeth as the intended victim?2. Victor faints at the sight of Elizabeth'south body: "Life is obstinate and clings closest where itis most hated. For a moment simply did I lose recollection; I fell senseless on the ground."Fainting in Romantic and Victorian texts is often seen equally a feminine trait. What is thesignificance of Victor fainting at the sight of the murdered Elizabeth? In what means hashe been feminized past what has happened to him?3. After Elizabeth's decease, Victor complains that "A fiend had snatched from me every hopeof future happiness; no creature had ever been so miserable as I was; so frightful an eventis single in the history of man." Victor and his creature both assert that they are the lonelyones. Victor, however, once had friends and family unit; the beast never did. How areVictor and his fauna now alike? Since Victor is now experiencing a similar emotion ashis creature, why doesn't he feel sympathy for it? Or has the brute wronged him toomany times for Victor to think this way? Is it dissimilar to have had something and lost itcompared to never having had something at all?Affiliate Twenty Four1. This chapter brings another parallel betwixt Frankenstein and Walton: they are bothfaced with demands from a third party. The fauna demands that Frankenstein make acompanion; Walton's crew demands they turn back for home before they all die. As weknow, Frankenstein ultimately refuses while Walton obeys. Walton has many similaritiesto Frankenstein, but he ultimately falls brusque of Frankenstein's extremism. Compare andcontrast their characters. What do they accept in common? Where do they differ?ii. But before dying, Frankenstein says, "Seek happiness in tranquility, and avoid ambition,fifty-fifty if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science anddiscoveries. Yet why exercise I say this? I myself have been blasted in these hopes, yet anothermay succeed." Has Frankenstein learned annihilation from the catastrophic outcomes of hisexperiments? What lesson are we to take from these equivocal last words?3. The cat-and-mouse chase ends in this chapter with Frankenstein's death, merely non at thehands of his fauna. Frankenstein also dies without fulfilling his dying wish. Howwould the lessons y'all learned from this story be unlike if Frankenstein had killed hiscreation earlier dying? What if the animal killed him?4. Why did the creature get out clues for Frankenstein and, in a sense, keep him live byleaving him nutrient and furs, if they had a mutual hatred? What did they requite each otherthat no ane else could?five. The creature appears after Frankenstein'south death and speaks to the stunned Walton,explaining that even as it killed, it desired human companionship: "[S]till I desired loveand fellowship, and I was yet spurned. Was there no injustice in this? Am I to be thoughtthe only criminal, when all humankind sinned against me?" Now that you lot have finishedthe novel, who practice you understand with? Who do you remember is in the wrong?Discussion Questions for After You Terminate the Novel1. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein refers to his creation as a dæmon. According to theancient Greeks, a dæmon is a mystical being that is neither human nor god butsomewhere in between. In popular fiction, the term describes an beast that is themanifestation of a person's soul, oft showcasing the person's dark side. Using thesedefinitions, how has Victor's language influenced your perception of his beast? Hashis negative language regarding his creation influenced your perception of Victor?2. What does information technology mean to be a monster? Who is the existent monster in Frankenstein? Is Victor,the well-intentioned even so troubled scientist, a monster? Or is his creation the monster? Arethey both monsters in their own means?3. Frankenstein is often used as an example of upstanding vs. non-ethical scientific/medicalprocedure. Practise you think that the manner that Victor created his creature was ethical? Nonethical? Should Victor take made his animal at all? Explain.iv. What is the role of fate in the novel? Victor Frankenstein regularly bemoans that fatecontributes to the upshot of his experiences. Is fate really involved, or is Victoravoiding taking the blame for his own deportment? To what extent are nosotros responsible for ourown lives and actions?5. Nature vs. Nurture is an important theme throughout Frankenstein. With the case ofVictor'due south creature, he does non teach it or raise information technology just abandons it to figure out life on itsown. If Victor had raised the creature, how practise y'all think it would have turned out? Wouldit have still become a vindictive creature because it is its nature to be so? Or would ithave perchance followed in Victor'due south footsteps to seek learning opportunities (since it is infact quite intelligent) because Victor nurtured it that way?6. Who is the real protagonist in Frankenstein? Is information technology Victor Frankenstein, who is also thenamesake of the novel? Or is information technology Frankenstein'southward creature? Could Walton be the protagonistsince the story is told through him?seven. How would the story and its meaning differ if we never got the creature'due south side of thestory?8. Reverse to popular belief, Frankenstein is not the full title of Mary Shelley's 200-yearold novel. It is actually titled, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Prometheuswas Greek Titan known for his intelligence. He also reportedly created human being from dirt,then stole burn down from the gods and gave information technology to humans enabling civilization. Why practice youthink the title but partially survived over the years? What is the significance of the titleto the novel? How does it change your perception of Frankenstein?nine. How do Hollywood, pop civilization, and Frankenstein's many incarnations play a role inyour previous perceptions of the novel? What wasn't in the story that yous thought wouldbe because of your preconceptions? What is the novel that surprised you? How are thecharacters unlike in modern adaptations, both physically and personality-wise?10. Gender roles are an underlying theme throughout the volume. Nigh of the women aredomestic, frequently taking care of the children of the family and waiting for their betrothed toreturn dwelling house. How would the story exist unlike if Elizabeth Lavenza, VictorFrankenstein's love, created the monster instead? Might she have been a better rolemodel, maybe even maternal, towards her brute, every bit she is towards Victor's siblings?11. Science was rapidly changing in the 1800s, and information technology continues to further advance today. Formany readers, Shelley'south novel serves equally a alert of science gone amiss and theirreversible outcomes of well-intentioned experiments. What are some scientificinventions/experiments that are happening right at present that could lead to monstrous results?

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