
Telemedicine tin can facilitate population health management by extending the accomplish of providers to efficiently treat high-risk, high-utilization populations. However, for telemedicine to be maximally useful, data collected using telemedicine technologies must exist reliable and readily available to healthcare providers. To accost current gaps in integration of patient-generated health information into the electronic health record (EHR), nosotros examined ii patient-facing platforms, Epic MyChart and Apple HealthKit, both of which facilitated the uploading of blood glucose data into the EHR as role of a diabetes telemedicine intervention. All patients were offered utilize of the MyChart platform; nosotros subsequently invited a purposive sample of patients who used the MyChart platform finer (n = 5) to likewise use the Apple tree HealthKit platform. Patients reported both platforms helped with diabetes cocky-management, and providers appreciated the convenience of the processes for obtaining patient information. Providers stated that the EHR data presentation format for Apple HealthKit was challenging to interpret; however, they besides valued the greater perceived accurateness the Apple HealthKit data. Our findings signal that patient-facing platforms tin can feasibly facilitate manual of patient-generated health data into the EHR and back up telemedicine-based care.

The transition to value-based payment models emphasizes the need for effective approaches to population health. i–3 Telemedicine, a type of remote patient monitoring that uses technology to facilitate contact between patients and healthcare providers, 4 can expedite population wellness management by extending the ability of providers to come across the needs of high-run a risk, loftier-utilization populations in an efficient manner. 5 Considering the majority of patient self-intendance occurs outside of the provider's role, telemedicine enables providers to engage patients in their home setting with greater regularity. 4 , vi

Telemedicine may hold particular promise as a means to amend medical management of costly chronic illnesses similar diabetes. 7–nine Under telemedicine-based approaches, patient-facing technologies can be used to collect patient-generated wellness data (PGHD) and enable telemonitoring (monitoring of patients with diabetes in between provider visits). Using PGHD, telemedicine interventions that include telemonitoring, self-management support, and medication direction have been shown to exist more than effective than episodic in-person appointments for poorly controlled diabetes. 8 , ten–12

While existent-fourth dimension drove of PGHD can facilitate telemedicine-based disease direction, xiii PGHD are seldom incorporated into electronic wellness records (EHRs) where providers can hands and conveniently access these information. xiv , 15 Our current inability to integrate PGHD into EHRs deters widespread implementation of constructive telemedicine interventions. sixteen–18 This integration gap represents both a source of frustration for providers, who must interrupt their workflow to navigate unfamiliar consumer technologies to access PGHD, and a missed opportunity to maximize the benefits of telemedicine-based care. sixteen , 17

To address electric current barriers to telemedicine-based diabetes care, we developed and tested 2 processes for integrating PGHD collected from patient-facing technologies directly into the EHR. Nosotros discuss our processes for integrating PGHD into the EHR, patient perceptions of utilizing devices to collect and transfer health data into our wellness organization'south EHR, and provider perspectives of PGHD in the EHR.


Nosotros conducted a half dozen-month pilot projection, Diabetes Direction – The Adjacent Generation (DM-TNG), examining the feasibility of delivering an effective telemedicine intervention to high-risk diabetes patients using novel processes for integrating PGHD into the EHR.

Sample and setting

Nosotros recruited patients with blazon 2 diabetes from 2 primary care clinics in a southeastern U.Southward. city. Inclusion criteria included glycated hemoglobin persistently ≥eight.v% for ≥1 yr (minimum of 2 measurements over the past year) despite engagement with dispensary-based intendance (defined as a minimum of two clinic appointments over the past year). We identified patients using the EHR and provider referrals; research staff contacted eligible patients by telephone to discuss the project and enrollment procedure. The project was conducted nether a Quality Improvement exemption from the local University Health Organization Institutional Review Board.

Telemedicine intervention design

The telemedicine intervention in this projection is effective for patients with persistently poor diabetes control 8 and includes 3 components: telemonitoring, cocky-management instruction, and physician-guided medication management. During the half dozen-month intervention period, telemedicine nurses delivered the telemonitoring and self-management support intervention components over 12 biweekly phone encounters, during which interim blood glucose data were reviewed, medications reconciled, and medication adherence discussed. During most telephone encounters, telemedicine nurses delivered educational modules salient to diabetes self-management. Following each telephone run across, the nurse compiled a summary written report in the EHR; this report was routed to the projection's medication provider for the medication management component of the intervention. Patients could contact the project team with concerns almost blood glucose values, blood glucose monitoring, or apply of these data collection platforms. Data flow is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Overview of data flow and patient-provider interaction for Diabetes Management-The Next Generation (DM-TNG) intervention. EHR: electronic health record.

Overview of data flow and patient-provider interaction for Diabetes Management-The Next Generation (DM-TNG) intervention. EHR: electronic wellness record.

Figure 1.

Overview of data flow and patient-provider interaction for Diabetes Management-The Next Generation (DM-TNG) intervention. EHR: electronic health record.

Overview of data flow and patient-provider interaction for Diabetes Management-The Next Generation (DM-TNG) intervention. EHR: electronic health record.

Patient-facing technology platforms

As function of delivering the telemedicine intervention, we used 2 commercially-available patient-facing information technologies, Epic MyChart (Ballsy Systems, Verona, WI) and Apple HealthKit (Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA), to transfer patient-generated self-monitored blood glucose information directly into our health system'south Epic-based EHR. The MyChart platform is the commercial patient portal associated with Ballsy EHR and enables advice between patients and providers. In both processes described subsequently, the PGHD were uploaded automatically into the EHR and were and so displayed via flowsheets (ie, documents in the patient's chart displaying medical data). We lacked the resources to develop custom flowsheets for the purposes of this feasibility pilot, so we utilized flowsheets for both platforms that had been developed previously, and were already bachelor for employ by providers inside our healthcare organisation. We describe the context of use for each procedure in Table 1.

Table i.

Context of utilise for MyChart and Apple HealthKit

MyChart Apple tree HealthKit
Steps undertaken to transfer PGHD from personal claret glucose meter
  1. Patients exam claret glucose using their personal blood glucose meter

  2. Patients log onto the MyChart platform via a desktop/laptop estimator or smartphone

  3. Patients manually enter a claret glucose value from the meter into MyChart

  4. Patients echo step #three for each unique claret glucose value

  5. Patients sign out of MyChart

  6. Data are transferred into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  7. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

  1. Patients exam blood glucose using a project-provided iHealth glucose meter

  2. The iHealth glucose meter automatically transfers blood glucose information to the project-provided Apple iPod Touch with Apple tree HealthKit using a Bluetooth connection

  3. When the Apple iPod Touch is continued to wireless internet, patient claret glucose data automatically upload from Apple tree HealthKit into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  4. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

Frequency and timing of entering in data Patients were encouraged to enter blood glucose values in MyChart daily Patients were encouraged to connect to wireless cyberspace daily to enable the transfer of data into the EHR
Steps taken for providers to view PGHD
  1. Patients are reminded to enter blood glucose data into MyChart prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider reviews patient blood glucose data in EHR (if available)

  3. Provider recommends medication changes every bit needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements whatever changes

  1. Provider reviews blood glucose values in patient'southward EHR prior to scheduled biweekly phone encounters

  2. Provider recommends medication changes as needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements any changes

MyChart Apple HealthKit
Steps undertaken to transfer PGHD from personal blood glucose meter
  1. Patients test claret glucose using their personal blood glucose meter

  2. Patients log onto the MyChart platform via a desktop/laptop computer or smartphone

  3. Patients manually enter a claret glucose value from the meter into MyChart

  4. Patients repeat step #3 for each unique blood glucose value

  5. Patients sign out of MyChart

  6. Data are transferred into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  7. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

  1. Patients exam blood glucose using a projection-provided iHealth glucose meter

  2. The iHealth glucose meter automatically transfers blood glucose data to the project-provided Apple iPod Touch on with Apple HealthKit using a Bluetooth connection

  3. When the Apple iPod Touch is continued to wireless internet, patient blood glucose data automatically upload from Apple HealthKit into the EHR using a projection-specific flowsheet

  4. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

Frequency and timing of inbound in information Patients were encouraged to enter blood glucose values in MyChart daily Patients were encouraged to connect to wireless internet daily to enable the transfer of data into the EHR
Steps taken for providers to view PGHD
  1. Patients are reminded to enter blood glucose data into MyChart prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider reviews patient blood glucose data in EHR (if available)

  3. Provider recommends medication changes as needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements any changes

  1. Provider reviews claret glucose values in patient's EHR prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider recommends medication changes equally needed based on blood glucose values, and nurse implements whatever changes

EHR: electronic wellness record; PGHD: patient-generated wellness data.

Table ane.

Context of utilise for MyChart and Apple HealthKit

MyChart Apple HealthKit
Steps undertaken to transfer PGHD from personal claret glucose meter
  1. Patients test claret glucose using their personal blood glucose meter

  2. Patients log onto the MyChart platform via a desktop/laptop calculator or smartphone

  3. Patients manually enter a blood glucose value from the meter into MyChart

  4. Patients repeat pace #3 for each unique blood glucose value

  5. Patients sign out of MyChart

  6. Data are transferred into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  7. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

  1. Patients test claret glucose using a project-provided iHealth glucose meter

  2. The iHealth glucose meter automatically transfers blood glucose data to the project-provided Apple iPod Touch with Apple HealthKit using a Bluetooth connectedness

  3. When the Apple iPod Touch is connected to wireless internet, patient blood glucose data automatically upload from Apple HealthKit into the EHR using a projection-specific flowsheet

  4. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

Frequency and timing of entering in data Patients were encouraged to enter blood glucose values in MyChart daily Patients were encouraged to connect to wireless internet daily to enable the transfer of data into the EHR
Steps taken for providers to view PGHD
  1. Patients are reminded to enter blood glucose information into MyChart prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider reviews patient claret glucose data in EHR (if available)

  3. Provider recommends medication changes as needed based on blood glucose values, and nurse implements any changes

  1. Provider reviews blood glucose values in patient's EHR prior to scheduled biweekly phone encounters

  2. Provider recommends medication changes equally needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements whatever changes

MyChart Apple HealthKit
Steps undertaken to transfer PGHD from personal claret glucose meter
  1. Patients test blood glucose using their personal blood glucose meter

  2. Patients log onto the MyChart platform via a desktop/laptop computer or smartphone

  3. Patients manually enter a blood glucose value from the meter into MyChart

  4. Patients repeat stride #iii for each unique claret glucose value

  5. Patients sign out of MyChart

  6. Data are transferred into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  7. The telehealth nurse reviews patient blood glucose values

  1. Patients exam claret glucose using a projection-provided iHealth glucose meter

  2. The iHealth glucose meter automatically transfers blood glucose information to the project-provided Apple tree iPod Impact with Apple HealthKit using a Bluetooth connection

  3. When the Apple iPod Impact is connected to wireless cyberspace, patient blood glucose information automatically upload from Apple HealthKit into the EHR using a project-specific flowsheet

  4. The telehealth nurse reviews patient claret glucose values

Frequency and timing of inbound in information Patients were encouraged to enter claret glucose values in MyChart daily Patients were encouraged to connect to wireless internet daily to enable the transfer of data into the EHR
Steps taken for providers to view PGHD
  1. Patients are reminded to enter blood glucose data into MyChart prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider reviews patient claret glucose data in EHR (if available)

  3. Provider recommends medication changes equally needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements any changes

  1. Provider reviews blood glucose values in patient's EHR prior to scheduled biweekly telephone encounters

  2. Provider recommends medication changes as needed based on claret glucose values, and nurse implements any changes

EHR: electronic health record; PGHD: patient-generated wellness data.

Process 1: Epic MyChart

All patients receiving the telemedicine intervention were offered use of the MyChart platform. Patients used their personal claret glucose monitors and manually entered their claret glucose information into the MyChart platform via home computers or smart device. Patients were encouraged to enter blood glucose data into MyChart daily. For EHR users to admission blood glucose information in MyChart, project staff used a flowsheet adapted by our squad that compiled relevant data from the patient'southward MyChart. When the flowsheet was ordered, information from the patient's MyChart were sent to the EHR. The study of PGHD in the EHR using MyChart is depicted in Figure two.

Figure two.

Flowsheet report for MyChart patients.

Flowsheet report for MyChart patients.

Figure 2.

Flowsheet report for MyChart patients.

Flowsheet report for MyChart patients.

Process 2: Apple HealthKit

In order to test the feasibility of the Apple HealthKit platform, we purposively selected patients (n = 5) who had completed the bulk of the scheduled biweekly telephone encounters and consistently entered blood glucose values into MyChart during the six-month intervention. These patients used Apple HealthKit for an additional iii months, during which they continued to receive the telemedicine intervention.

For patients participating in the Apple HealthKit phase of the project, we provided an Apple iPod Touch equipped with Apple HealthKit and a Food and Drug Administration–approved glucose meter by iHealth. Apple HealthKit is a platform that allows individuals to organize their wellness monitoring data on i dashboard that is hands accessible by the patient. Patients using the Apple tree HealthKit platform did not log in to MyChart to manually enter blood glucose data; instead, the iHealth glucose meter relayed blood glucose information to the iPod Touch via Bluetooth and Apple HealthKit and so automatically transmitted these data into the EHR whenever a wireless internet connexion was bachelor. The written report of PGHD in the EHR using Apple HealthKit is depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Flowsheet report for Apple HealthKit patients.

Flowsheet report for Apple HealthKit patients.

Figure three.

Flowsheet report for Apple HealthKit patients.

Flowsheet study for Apple HealthKit patients.

For EHR users to access blood glucose data, project staff used a flowsheet adapted by our squad that compiled relevant information from Apple HealthKit users. When the flowsheet was ordered, the iPod requested patient permission for the team to admission relevant information in Apple HealthKit. The patient had to accept this prompt before data were sent to the EHR. Once the patient gave permission, the EHR accessed but the requested data, and the patient could revoke EHR admission to these data at any time.

Evaluation measures

We invited patients to participate in semistructured interviews about their experiences participating in the project (Table two). A research assistant conducted all patient interviews via telephone. AAL conducted email interviews with the project's endocrinologists (NEJ, MJC) to obtain provider perceptions regarding use of PGHD in the EHR. We used directed content analysis 19 to compare statements nigh MyChart with statements well-nigh Apple HealthKit. AAL and CD independently coded and analyzed these qualitative information and then reviewed all findings with a 3rd investigator (MJC) until consensus was reached.

Table 2.

Patient and provider semistructured interview questions

Patient-specific questions
Questions specific to MyChart:
  • What challenges did you lot come across with entering claret sugar numbers into MyChart?

  • How, if at all, did inbound your blood sugar values into MyChart bear on your weekly routine?

  • How often did you enter your blood sugar numbers into MyChart?

  • How would you recommend improving the process of entering your claret carbohydrate numbers into MyChart? Is there anything that would make information technology easier for you to transmit your dwelling claret sugar readings to your intendance team?

  • What did you think about using a computer to enter your blood sugar readings into MyChart? For you personally, what would be the all-time style for you to supply your blood sugar readings to your healthcare providers? (figurer entry, mobile uploading, calling in readings, etc.)

Questions specific to Apple HealthKit a:
  • What did you think about using the iPod (via the iHealth glucose meter and MyChart app) and wireless glucometer to have your blood sugar readings sent automatically to MyChart?

  • What did you like about using the iPod/wireless glucometer instead of manually entering your readings into MyChart?

  • Were at that place any disadvantages y'all constitute about using this method instead of what you ordinarily do to take/record your readings?

  • Did y'all experience whatever technical difficulties with either the iPod or the wireless glucometer while participating in the programme?

  • All things considered, what would be the preferred method for you to send your claret carbohydrate readings to your provider in the future? Why?

  • Is there anything else you lot would similar to share about this portion of the program?

Provider questions
  • What was your general impression of seeing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • How did having the patient-generated data in the EHR influence your medical management of, or interactions with, the patient?

  • What challenges, if any, did you encounter when accessing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • What, if any, improvements would you advise to seeing patient-generated health information in the EHR?

  • What differences, if any, did you find between MyChart and Apple HealthKit? (Probe: This could be amount, blazon, frequency, accurateness of the patient-generated health data, or well-nigh the patients' utilise of these tools)

Patient-specific questions
Questions specific to MyChart:
  • What challenges did you lot encounter with entering blood saccharide numbers into MyChart?

  • How, if at all, did inbound your claret sugar values into MyChart affect your weekly routine?

  • How oftentimes did you enter your claret sugar numbers into MyChart?

  • How would you recommend improving the procedure of entering your blood sugar numbers into MyChart? Is there anything that would go far easier for you to transmit your home claret carbohydrate readings to your intendance team?

  • What did you recall nearly using a figurer to enter your blood sugar readings into MyChart? For you personally, what would be the all-time style for you to supply your claret saccharide readings to your healthcare providers? (calculator entry, mobile uploading, calling in readings, etc.)

Questions specific to Apple HealthKit a:
  • What did you think near using the iPod (via the iHealth glucose meter and MyChart app) and wireless glucometer to have your claret sugar readings sent automatically to MyChart?

  • What did you like about using the iPod/wireless glucometer instead of manually entering your readings into MyChart?

  • Were in that location any disadvantages you found about using this method instead of what you lot ordinarily do to have/record your readings?

  • Did you experience any technical difficulties with either the iPod or the wireless glucometer while participating in the plan?

  • All things considered, what would be the preferred method for y'all to send your blood sugar readings to your provider in the futurity? Why?

  • Is there anything else y'all would similar to share about this portion of the program?

Provider questions
  • What was your general impression of seeing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • How did having the patient-generated data in the EHR influence your medical management of, or interactions with, the patient?

  • What challenges, if any, did y'all encounter when accessing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • What, if any, improvements would you suggest to seeing patient-generated health information in the EHR?

  • What differences, if any, did you detect between MyChart and Apple HealthKit? (Probe: This could be corporeality, type, frequency, accuracy of the patient-generated health data, or well-nigh the patients' utilise of these tools)


Questions only asked if patient used the Apple HealthKit technology in improver to MyChart.

EHR: electronic health record.

Table 2.

Patient and provider semistructured interview questions

Patient-specific questions
Questions specific to MyChart:
  • What challenges did you encounter with entering blood saccharide numbers into MyChart?

  • How, if at all, did entering your blood sugar values into MyChart affect your weekly routine?

  • How oftentimes did you enter your blood saccharide numbers into MyChart?

  • How would yous recommend improving the process of inbound your blood carbohydrate numbers into MyChart? Is in that location anything that would brand information technology easier for you to transmit your home blood sugar readings to your care team?

  • What did you lot think virtually using a computer to enter your claret sugar readings into MyChart? For y'all personally, what would exist the best mode for you lot to supply your blood sugar readings to your healthcare providers? (estimator entry, mobile uploading, calling in readings, etc.)

Questions specific to Apple tree HealthKit a:
  • What did y'all think nearly using the iPod (via the iHealth glucose meter and MyChart app) and wireless glucometer to have your claret sugar readings sent automatically to MyChart?

  • What did yous like about using the iPod/wireless glucometer instead of manually entering your readings into MyChart?

  • Were there whatever disadvantages you found about using this method instead of what you lot normally exercise to have/record your readings?

  • Did you experience any technical difficulties with either the iPod or the wireless glucometer while participating in the program?

  • All things considered, what would be the preferred method for you lot to transport your claret sugar readings to your provider in the time to come? Why?

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about this portion of the program?

Provider questions
  • What was your general impression of seeing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • How did having the patient-generated information in the EHR influence your medical direction of, or interactions with, the patient?

  • What challenges, if whatever, did you encounter when accessing the patient-generated wellness data in the EHR?

  • What, if whatsoever, improvements would yous propose to seeing patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • What differences, if whatever, did yous detect between MyChart and Apple tree HealthKit? (Probe: This could be amount, type, frequency, accuracy of the patient-generated wellness information, or nearly the patients' use of these tools)

Patient-specific questions
Questions specific to MyChart:
  • What challenges did yous encounter with entering blood sugar numbers into MyChart?

  • How, if at all, did entering your blood saccharide values into MyChart affect your weekly routine?

  • How often did you enter your blood saccharide numbers into MyChart?

  • How would you recommend improving the process of entering your blood saccharide numbers into MyChart? Is there anything that would make it easier for you to transmit your home claret saccharide readings to your intendance squad?

  • What did you think most using a computer to enter your claret sugar readings into MyChart? For you personally, what would be the best manner for you to supply your blood sugar readings to your healthcare providers? (computer entry, mobile uploading, calling in readings, etc.)

Questions specific to Apple tree HealthKit a:
  • What did you call back about using the iPod (via the iHealth glucose meter and MyChart app) and wireless glucometer to have your blood saccharide readings sent automatically to MyChart?

  • What did you like about using the iPod/wireless glucometer instead of manually entering your readings into MyChart?

  • Were there any disadvantages y'all found about using this method instead of what you ordinarily do to take/record your readings?

  • Did you lot experience any technical difficulties with either the iPod or the wireless glucometer while participating in the programme?

  • All things considered, what would exist the preferred method for y'all to send your blood sugar readings to your provider in the future? Why?

  • Is there annihilation else you would like to share virtually this portion of the program?

Provider questions
  • What was your general impression of seeing the patient-generated health data in the EHR?

  • How did having the patient-generated data in the EHR influence your medical management of, or interactions with, the patient?

  • What challenges, if any, did you run across when accessing the patient-generated health information in the EHR?

  • What, if any, improvements would you suggest to seeing patient-generated wellness information in the EHR?

  • What differences, if any, did you notice between MyChart and Apple HealthKit? (Probe: This could be amount, type, frequency, accurateness of the patient-generated health data, or nearly the patients' use of these tools)


Questions merely asked if patient used the Apple HealthKit technology in addition to MyChart.

EHR: electronic wellness record.


Enquiry staff approached 86 patients; 35 declined to participate and 16 were excluded upon further screening (ie, no access to the Internet or smartphone). The remaining 35 patients who enrolled in the project were majority female and African American (Table iii). Research staff invited participants to complete semistructured interviews, and 10 patients agreed to participate. Of these 10, 6 used the MyChart platform and iv used both MyChart and Apple HealthKit. The provider sample included the 2 endocrinologist medication managers for the telemedicine intervention.

Tabular array iii.

Patient characteristics

Total sample (N = 35) Interview completers (n = ten)
Female 24 (68.vi) four (forty)
African American 27 (77.1) 9 (90)
White seven (20) 1 (10)
No Answer 1 (2.9) 0 (0)
Technology platform used
MyChart only xxx (86) 7 (70)
MyChart and Apple HealthKit 5 (14) 3 (30)
Calls completed
<3 15 (43) 1 (10)
≥iii xx (57) 9 (90)
Full sample (N = 35) Interview completers (n = x)
Female person 24 (68.6) 4 (xl)
African American 27 (77.1) ix (90)
White seven (20) i (10)
No Answer 1 (2.nine) 0 (0)
Technology platform used
MyChart only 30 (86) 7 (lxx)
MyChart and Apple HealthKit 5 (xiv) 3 (thirty)
Calls completed
<3 15 (43) i (10)
≥3 twenty (57) 9 (90)

Table 3.

Patient characteristics

Full sample (North = 35) Interview completers (n = 10)
Female 24 (68.6) 4 (40)
African American 27 (77.1) 9 (xc)
White seven (twenty) 1 (10)
No Respond one (two.ix) 0 (0)
Technology platform used
MyChart simply xxx (86) vii (70)
MyChart and Apple HealthKit v (14) 3 (xxx)
Calls completed
<3 15 (43) 1 (x)
≥3 xx (57) nine (90)
Total sample (N = 35) Interview completers (n = x)
Female 24 (68.6) iv (xl)
African American 27 (77.1) 9 (90)
White 7 (twenty) 1 (10)
No Answer 1 (2.9) 0 (0)
Technology platform used
MyChart only 30 (86) 7 (lxx)
MyChart and Apple HealthKit 5 (14) 3 (30)
Calls completed
<3 15 (43) one (ten)
≥three 20 (57) 9 (90)

Patient perspectives

Most patients (n=vii of 10) stated that using MyChart or Apple tree HealthKit aided their diabetes self-management. I patient stated, "I love the charting…I loved looking at information technology daily or weekly, just seeing the trends," and another stated, "[entering blood sugar values into MyChart] affected [me] because I knew what was going on. It helped me to remember [self-management]." However, every bit the patients using the MyChart platform had to manually enter information, remembering to enter in these information sometimes proved challenging. I MyChart user stated, "Just trying to remember to do it [was challenging]…by hand yous could only enter one solar day at a time. It'southward not like information technology was an open up spreadsheet where I could easily just put them all in without having to click 5 different times to get to some other day." Patients who used Apple HealthKit found the automated transfer of data from the glucose meter to the EHR less cumbersome. One patient stated, "[Apple HealthKit] made it easier – during the first phase [of the project] where I had to enter everything into the reckoner [using MyChart], it was done weekly, but [with Apple HealthKit] information technology was done daily and it made information technology easier for me." 1 MyChart patient who did not use Apple tree HealthKit commented that automatic uploading of data would accept been helpful. "[I would like a] glucose monitor that actually, when you stick yourself, automatically sends that calculator reading to MyChart, so [the blood glucose values] wouldn't actually accept to be entered in [manually]."

Several patients experienced technological challenges using MyChart or Apple HealthKit, including logging into MyChart, manually entering data into MyChart, using the iPod, and the battery life of the iPod. Only ane patient indicated that the technical challenges completely impeded her ability to upload blood glucose data using MyChart or Apple tree HealthKit.

Provider perspectives

The 2 project clinicians indicated that integration of PGHD into the EHR facilitated telemedicine-based medication direction for diabetes, because information were readily available for review. The providers could easily access the EHR flowsheet without having to be familiar with multiple information-sharing platforms. One provider stated, "Compared to what I would take to do to go equivalent data otherwise, such every bit calling the patient and transcribing the numbers, or logging into a split up website, having these data come straight into the EHR saved multiple steps." Providers stated that automatic uploading of information with Apple HealthKit from the iHealth meter increased PGHD accuracy, because the blood sugar values were not self-reported, and were therefore less susceptible to fault or falsification. However, while the PGHD entered via MyChart were systematically organized by mealtime, data entered via Apple HealthKit were displayed in a unmarried long row. Considering the MyChart display facilitated interpretation of blood glucose trends, both clinicians preferred the MyChart display over Apple tree HealthKit (Figure 3).


Telemedicine can facilitate improved population wellness direction, 3 , 5 but depends on reliable and accurate PGHD. To address current gaps in EHR integration of patient-collected data, we examined 2 patient-facing platforms designed to facilitate the uploading of PGHD into the EHR. We establish that (i) despite certain challenges, use of the platforms assisted diabetes self-direction and (2) PGHD can be feasibly integrated into a health arrangement'southward EHR.

Mobile health technologies that facilitate the collection of PGHD are ane way to further population health management efforts for patients with complex chronic illnesses. v The capability to monitor health information between office visits, especially in challenging patient populations, could improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. PGHD help provide a more complete flick of the patient's self-management behaviors and allow clinicians to make patient-centered medical decisions.

While accurate PGHD are essential for informing clinical decision making, commonly bachelor PGHD collection methods are oft suboptimal. Approaches that rely on patient self-report—such as the MyChart platform used for this projection or manual logging of blood glucose data in a hardcopy logbook—place substantial responsibility on patients to actively document data. Unless a patient takes the necessary steps to report their data (and in the example of hardcopy logbooks, remembers to bring data to dispensary appointments), the PGHD remain unavailable to providers. Additionally, self-reported PGHD are subjective and may not accurately reverberate the patient'due south truthful blood glucose values. Our findings suggest that using processes like the Apple tree HealthKit platform to integrate PGHD into the EHR, without relying on self-report, may have particular potential to improve patient and provider experiences.

Our findings also indicate that the presentation format for PGHD in the EHR is of import to consider. Our 2 PGHD-collection platform flowsheets resulted in distinct data display formats in the EHR due to differences in the flowsheets' programming. Information from MyChart were organized in columns by mealtime, while data obtained via Apple HealthKit were presented in a single row. Our providers appreciated how each platform facilitated the availability of PGHD in the EHR, but strongly preferred the MyChart format. Overall, our results betoken that the optimal mechanism for incorporating PGHD into the EHR should include (1) passive/automatic transfer of data from the patient's monitoring device into the EHR, which assures data availability and accurateness, and (2) a convenient format for data presentation in the EHR, which facilitates interpreting and acting upon data. In diabetes, these changes would facilitate easy and authentic interpretation of blood glucose information in real time.


Certain factors limit the generalizability of our findings. Because we interviewed simply x patients and 2 providers, the reported perceptions of MyChart and Apple HealthKit may not stand for the wider patient and provider populations. Additionally, due to the scope of the project, we could select simply v patients to examine the feasibility of the Apple HealthKit platform. Finally, because the focus of this project was to explore the feasibility of EHR integration of PGHD, we did not verify the accuracy of these data transferred into the EHR. Despite these limitations, our findings provide insight into the value and challenges of EHR integration of PGHD.


This project represents an important step toward implementing telemedicine-based intendance delivery models in clinical practice. Our findings indicate that EHR integration of PGHD is feasible, and may back up telemedicine-based diabetes care. Future enquiry should focus on strategies to heighten the usability of platforms for integrating PGHD into EHRs and appropriate back up for providers utilizing PGHD in patient direction.


This piece of work was supported past a Duke Institute for Health Innovation Grant; Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Academic Affiliations Grant No. TPH 21-000 (to AAL); Durham Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation Grant No. CIN 13-410 (to AAL); Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Service Career Evolution Honor Grant No. CDA 13-261 (to MJC); and Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Enquiry and Development Service Research Career Scientist Award Grant No. 08-027 (to HBB). The content is solely the responsibleness of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of Duke University, the U.Due south. Department of Veterans Affairs, or the U.Due south. government.


AAL analyzed qualitative data and wrote the manuscript. CD assisted with qualitative data analysis and manuscript editing. RJS, GLJ, and HBB assisted with data estimation and manuscript editing. MO and SG assisted with conduct of project, collected data, and assisted with manuscript editing. NEJ served as a clinical provider during projection and assisted with manuscript editing. MJC obtained project funding, led conduct of project, analyzed and interpreted data, and helped write manuscript.

Conflict of interest statement

HBB reports receiving inquiry funds from Sanofi, Otsuka, Johnson and Johnson, and Improved Patient Outcomes every bit well as consulting funds from Sanofi, Otsuka, and Abbott. The remaining authors accept no competing interests to declare.





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